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~NEW MOON IN AQUARIUS~ Jan 2025 Musing

Writer's picture: Tayla HendersonTayla Henderson

Updated: Jan 31

Photo taken by Tayla Henderson, Beautiful Azure Butterflies at our Local Japanese Gardens.
Photo taken by Tayla Henderson, Beautiful Azure Butterflies at our Local Japanese Gardens.

Hello my loves,

Welcome to the first New Moon of Aquarius, ushering in Aquarius season and also the Chinese New Year! We leave behind the year of the Dragon and move into the year of the Snake... 

There is a lot to say about the energies which are swirling in and around us at this time but for me I find that tapping into how they manifest within my own being gives me the best indication of how these energies might be affecting others. I have for the past few weeks, begun to adopt the term of 'experiential astrology' which focuses less on the predictive nature of Astrology as a tool in spiritual practice, and instead taps into understanding the astrology more through reflective practice and lived experience as we move through these celestial events. So, what am I feeling as we approach this new moon?

In my personal spiritual practice and journey, I am tapping into a plethora of things...Aquarius to me has always had that inventive & heady quality with a more masculine essence in regard to creativity. I have aligned that energy with the persona of Lugh the Irish god of the sun & craftsmanship, who we celebrate in the upcoming turn of the Wheel of the Year~ Lughnasa, happening from the 2-4th of February 2025, which I will speak on in a future email.

This Dark/New moon, however, has left me feeling a little lost, if I am totally honest, going from that assuredness and plan orientated mindset that was supported by the earthiness of Capricorn season, and moving into now, a reflective, contemplative state of being. 

I'm starting to realise that Aquarian energy it also observer energy, constantly feeling on the fringe, on the outside, because in our own minds, thoughts, morals, values and beliefs, we are all navigating different experiences and often majority are centered around the accepted norm of the culture or society we live, and with analysis of these experiences navigating the feeling of shame or acceptance they may provoke.

I am finding that within the current society I live in, even the dynamics with some of my external communities and family, I am often on the outside looking in. I am watching the trends; I am observing my own emotions in relation to the insights I am receiving. I am not sitting in judgement, but I am starting to realise that the places where I feel out of alignment are becoming less tolerable to me. I am also starting to understand the humanitarian nature of the Aquarian heart, for as distant and heady they may seem, they are secretly watchers for the ones the love. I really do love people, but lately I have also needed to distance myself from it all. The constant onslaught of messages, emails, social media, it's all too much information that this neuro-spicey witch is finding hard to computer, too many conflicting opinions and beliefs which are almost always projected as truth, cancelling out our fellow man. 

These musings are most certainly stemming from my own experience and feeling, but you may be able to relate? 

I really feel the Aquarian energy and heart, calls for us to take a step out of the matrix, to observe it from afar, distancing ourselves not to disconnect but to be able to discern the information we receive without emotionally investing ourselves in one side of an argument or opinion over another. Aquarius energy really invites us to come back to ourselves as the centre of our being, the pilots of our own life experience, not dictated by culture or customs but by our own journey of experience through self-discovery. We take all that we love and admire about this beautiful race and integrate it into our being, whilst championing growth and healing in the areas which bring us discontent, not to assert ourselves as keepers of morality, but to cultivate and foster understanding. 

The ways in which I felt this attribute of the Aquarian moon flow through me really landed when I found myself watching a show on Netflix called 'You Can't Ask That', a production filmed by the ABC here in Australia, which interviewed people who belonged to different marginalised communities from across the country. The questions posed to them were from anonymous members of the general public, and honestly some of the questions were shocking whilst others presented a beautiful opportunity to be vulnerable. These courageous people got in front of the camera and answered truthfully knowing full well they would be at the mercy of the viewers, and I was so inspired, I learnt so much, I felt I understood their journeys more and it will forever change my perspective. This cultivated a sense of deep love and devotion for my fellow humans, and I can really feel the rainbow that is humanity. I really feel that this is the gift of the Aquarian New Moon. 

In the Dark moon we confront the shadows and the beliefs that keep us assigned to this notion of 'Normal'... what even is Normal? It's a standard which is dictated by the constructs we live in, but it is so limiting, capping our creative potential, our philosophical understanding, our spiritual evolution and physical experience. What if normal was embraced as open acceptance of humanity as the bright colourful spectrum it is? I also really felt the concept of compassion land for me as I watched this program and listened to the stories of these individuals. The Wisdom I took from this was that

True compassion does not require you to betray your emotions in order to create a false sense of forgiveness or understanding when you experience injustice at the hands of another, however it can only be cultivated through a mutual acceptance of circumstance and accountability. Holding us all responsible for our own actions and hearts. Tay Henderson: Old Bone Mother

This true compassion, this accountability, honesty and vulnerability within the human experience is something I realised I need in order to feel at home on this planet and with those around me. My longing to break away from the old, the chains that bind, to take the first steps unto a New Earth, a world where we are not jaded by our human experience, but rather awakened and cracked open by it. This is the true mystery of the Aquarius. There is so much turbulence a-foot at this period in history, lots of paradigms and old-world structures crumbling to make way for the necessary change on the horizon. 

This is something that I have been feeling on the wind since last year and truthfully some years before, but now as we begin this year in the year of the Snake, in the Age of Aquarius, this intuitive knowing is beginning to manifest within me and around me. Shedding of old skin, rebirthed into new form, transformation and metamorphosis is messy business, emotionally, physically and spiritually, the contractions as we shed those old scales can be painful and the sludge within the chrysalis leaves us with no defined form or even a skeleton to build from. All we can be guided by is our intuitive memory, our collective desire and consciousness, by which the intent for transformation is to become the big, beautiful Serpentine Butterfly that we have always dreamed we would be, not just for ourselves, but for humanity. 

And so, through this Spiritual and experiential musing on the energies I have shared here, I guess the invitation now for you my dear reader is to decide if these words resonate? and if so, where are feeling the Aquarian within you beginning to rise up? If you don't align with the above what is your feeling surroundings the energies, you are experiencing at this time? The invitation here is to be at the helm of your own experience and understand that no one, not even I, can dictate what that looks like for you, how you connect with it is your journey and yours alone. You are the Aquarian in your mythos, you are the water bearer.

Photo taken by Tayla Henderson. Connecting to gorgeous Butterfly Spirit at the Bribie Island Butterfly House.
Photo taken by Tayla Henderson. Connecting to gorgeous Butterfly Spirit at the Bribie Island Butterfly House.

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We would like to acknowledge and pay our respects to the Traditional owners of the land and the waterways in which we reside and create upon, the Giabul & Jarrowair people, and to their Elders past, present & emerging. We would also like to honour my Indigenous Ancestors of the Wulli Wulli and Yorta Yorta people, and our ancestors from across the sea, for without we would not be. 

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