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Cats Claw Bark~15g

Cats Claw Bark~15g

Cats Claw Bark~15g

Cats Claw is a unique Tree and Herbal ally which comes with a pletheura of health benefits, making it a potent plant to call upon in Healing magick. It is famously reknowned for its use in Shamanic Journeying & Dream Work. Aligned with the Planetary energies of Jupiter, the potent green ally can also be used for Abundance Spellcraft. 




*Please do not substitute for medical advice. For magickal use only*


    *Please do not substitute for medical advice. For magickal use only*


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We would like to acknowledge and pay our respects to the Traditional owners of the land and the waterways in which we reside and create upon, the Giabul & Jarrowair people, and to their Elders past, present & emerging. We would also like to honour my Indigenous Ancestors of the Wulli Wulli and Yorta Yorta people, and our ancestors from across the sea, for without we would not be. 

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